Sunday, December 20, 2015

Preseason Sports in December

Timp Sports Weekly
December 22, 2015

Publisher's Message

For this week's issue, we look three weeks' worth of basketball games played by my Awesome American Fork Cavemen and Cavewomen as well as ones that saw the Lehi Pioneers, AKA the Froggies, played. We will also look at a swim meet that the Froggies hosted as well as three dual wrestling meets and a Ferocious Pleasant Grove Viking girls' basketball game played at home against the Timpview Thunderbirds, AKA the Millionaires. Let's get to those stories.

Dean Von Memmott

Awesome AF Cavemen Fix Skyview Bobkittens 64-44 to Take Third at Elite 8 Tourney
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

The Awesome American Fork Cavemen proved that they were indeed a team of comeback kids in a Dec. 11 game against the Skyview Bobcats, AKA the Bobkittens, which AF fixed 64-44 to win third place at the Second Annual Elite Eight Tournament, held in American Fork High's new field house.

Pulling down a defensive board, Bobkitten Breygan Holbrook connected a pass to Bryce Mortensen for the game's first bucket. The Bobkittens' 2-0 lead vanished quicker than you could say Ali Lamb Chop. Soon to be named to the tournament's all-star team, Awesome Caveman Spencer Johnson tied the game at two. A "distant cousin" of comic character Beetle Bailey, Brendan Bailey hit a trey that put the Awesome Cavemen ahead 5-2. Beetle's "distant cousin" then stole the ball and sank an inside shot to put the lead at 7-2. Mortenson hit two straight buckets to put Skyview within 7-6. Dallin "Top Bucks" Hucks hit an inside shot in hopes of stirring up an Awesome Caveman rally. However, Skyview's Carter "Fast Cat" Berish hit a trey that tied the game at nine. Before the Bobkittens could pounce ahead, Bailey hit another trey and sank a layup to put the Awesome Cavemen ahead 14-9. A "distant relative" of pop singer George McCrae, Alex McCrae attempted to get a Bobkitten rally going, but Hucks, Davy Rawson, Big George Brimbhall, and Braden Condie took control of the boards, denying the Bobkittens chances for second shots. This allowed Johnson and Bailey to lead American Fork on 12-4 scoring run that lasted well into the second quarter.

Bailey and Johnson's combined scoring efforts permitted the Awesome Cavemen to stay ahead in double figures throughout most of the second quarter, frustrating efforts from Mortensen and Fast Cat Berish to stir up a Bobkitten comeback. Fast Cat Berish, for example, hit two treys during the quarter that allowed his Bobkittens to claw their way back within 28-19. The half ended with two Benji Judd free throws giving American Fork 30-19 lead.

In the third half, Comrade Bracken Falslev joined Mortensen and Comrade Peyton Falslev in battling the Awesome Cavemen for rebounds. Judd, Condie, and Brimhall helped Johnson and Bailey greatly in maintaining a strong Awesome Caveman control of the boards.

Mortensen's frequent attacks on the Cavemen in the third period spurred the Bobkittens to claw their way back within six points several times. After McCrae had scored on a steal to cut the lead to 43-36, Bailey hit a layup that set off an 11-0 scoring run that lasted into the fourth quarter and clutched the game for the Awesome Cavemen.

American Fork Coach Doug Meacham said, "We did a better job in rebounding today than we did against Copper Hills last night. We did stage a rally against Copper Hills last night after being down by double digits, but we came up a few points short."

Big Bucks Hucks said, "We played better as a team today than we did last night. We also shared the ball a lot more than we did in the Copper Hills game. The high point of today's for me was when I fell down on the floor and I still passed to a teammate for a bucket."

Bailey led American Fork with 23 points while Johnson added another 12. Mortensen led the Bobkittens with 16 points and Fast Cat Berish added another nine.

Lehi Froggies Bake North Sanpete Gobblers 39-36 in Girls' Preseason Basketball Dec. 1
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

In a Dec. 1 girls' preseason basketball action at Lehi, the Lehi Pioneers, AKA the Froggies, baked the North Sanpete Hawks, AKA the Gobblers, 39-36.

To frustrate North Sanpete's inside game, Lehi Coach Brent May said, "We played a packed defense inside the paint. We crowded them out of the key, getting them to take long shots, which we could easily rebound."

The game went down mainly as a defensive contest. Neither team could hit most of its shots and pull down lots of offensive rebounds, because of strong defensive boarding by both the Froggies and the Gobblers.

Lehi's Katy Peck swished in the first shots, and Lehi lead 2-0 for a few minutes. A Cathy Lund trey put the Gobblers out ahead 3-2. Peck hit a go-ahead three-pointer of her own, but the Gobblers prevented the Froggies from picking up any more points in the first quarter. The Incredibly Lovely Angie Clayton hit an inside shot and a trey to put the Gobblers ahead 8-5 at the end of Period 1.

North Sanpete didn't much to gobble about in the second quarter. Froggie Brooklyn Heaton hit two straight inside shots to tip Lehi ahead 9-8. Throughout the second quarter, the Froggies crowded into the key, compelling the Gobblers to gamble on attempts for three-pointers. Most of North Sanpete's shots bounced off the glass and dropped into the webbed hands of anxious Lehi players. Unsurprisingly, the Froggies held the Gobblers to seven points in the second quarter. Though Luscious Lexie Olson created a 10-8 lead for the Gobblers, Bryanna Raff pulled down a key defensive rebound that prevented North Sanpete from extending its lead. Raff then scored a trey on an inbounds pass that put Lehi ahead 11-10. Peck, Raff, and Heaton hit inside shots that sent Lehi leaping to a 16-11 lead. Clayton sawed it down to 16-15, but shots from Peck and Heaton left Lehi leading 20-15 at the half.

For a little while in the third period, the Froggies managed to keep the Gobblers at bay, building up a lead as wide as 22-15. Clayton stirred up a rally, pacing her Gobblers back within 24-21. Suddenly, Peck stole the ball and passed to Heaton for a layup. Olson and Clayton kept North Sanpete alive in the quarter. When Clayton scored a layup during a steal to cut the lead to 26-25, the Froggies seemed doomed to be boiled by the Gobblers. A niece of Mountain View Teddy Bear sports legends Julie and Collette Schlappi, Sarah Schlappi hit a free throw that ended the quarter with the Froggies steal ahead 27-25.

Two Jentry Ison free throws tied the game at 27 in the fourth quarter. Despite a successful Raff foul shot thar put Lehi ahead 28-27, the Gobblers still strutted ahead 29-28. A Cassie Johnson free throw tied the game at 29, and the rest of the quarter went down as a story of both teams each taking a turn at tying the game and sneaking ahead. When Lund hit a trey to put the Gobblers within 36-35, Lehi came under extreme pressure. A Peck layup and a Taylor Takahashi free throw clutched the game for the Froggies, though, for their first win of the season.

Peck led Lehi with 14 points while Heaton added another eight.  Clayton led the Gobblers with 19 points while Lund contributed another eight points.

Lehi Froggies Shove Mountain View Teddy Bears Back Into Hibernation In Dec. 9 Boys' Hoop Contest
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

In a preseason boys' basketball game at Lehi Dec. 9, the Lehi Pioneers, AKA the Froggies, shoved the Mountain View Bruins, AKA the Teddy Bears and T-Bears, back into hibernation by a score of 87-58.

Lehi Coach Shawn Yeager said, "We didn't want them coming back like those Brighton Puddy Tats. We did a good job of boxing them out of the key, to force them to for shots that they wouldn't be able to make and to keep them from taking second shots."

Getting the tipoff, Teddy Bear Brigham Bateman scored the game first goal. However, a Marcus Draney bucket sent the Froggies stroking out to an early 7-4 lead. A Bateman trey tied the game at seven, and Cade "Huggy" Cosgrove hit two straight buckets to put the Teddy Bears ahead 11-7. Lehi's defense tightened up, holding the T-Bears to four points in the final four minutes of the opening quarter. Meanwhile,Tanner Nygren and Blaze "Raise Da Roof" Nield led the Froggies in racking up 13 points that gave them a 20-15 lead at the first quarter break. Both Froggies joined Draney in pulling down key defensive boards that enabled Lehi to stay ahead in Period 1.

A close relative of Richfield Kitty Cat sports legend Rob Cubb, Brayden Cuff joined Nield, Draney, and Nygren in pulling down important, defensive boards in the second period as the Froggies frustrated Cosgrove's efforts to make second shots. Nygren and Nield's shooting, meanwhile, permitted the Froggies to leap more than 10 points ahead in Period 2 as it saw Lehi outscore the Teddy Bears 23-12. Draney contributed a three-point lay while teammate Ethan Tuckett fought furious battles against T-Bear Kedrick "Keddy" Clayton and Ricky Stafford on the boards. Clayton won some of those contests, but his rebounding couldn't things around for the Teddy Bears.

In the third period, Braxton Bingham aided Nygren and Nield in pushing the lead past the 20-point mark. Once the Froggies had leaped past that point, they never let their lead slip below it, even though Keddy Clayton, Bateman, and Cosgrove attempted to rally the Teddy Bears back into the game. Jake Thacker and Brady Christiansen guided the Froggies in polishing off the Teddy Bears in the final quarter.

Nield led Lehi with 32 points while Nygren added another 26. Stafford led the Teddy Bears with 15 points while Cosgrove added another 14 and Bateman 10.

Ferocious PG Vikings Defeat Timpview Millionairesses 61-47 in Dec. 4 Hoop Actioin
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

In a preseason girls' basketball game played at Pleasant Grove High's Vahalla Field House Dec. 4, the Ferocious Pleasant Grove Vikings defeated the Timpview Thunderbirds, AKA the Millionairesses, 61-47.

AKA Rich Kid High, Timpview took a 4-1 lead in the first quarter. Before it could prove to be any further profitable for the Millionairesses, the Ferocious Vikings went on a long scoring run led by Malli Valguardson, Faith Williams, and Brooklyn Dahl. Shay Fano and Darekah Meldrum paced Rich Kid back within 12-8, but Valguardson's incredibly great, inside shooting helped the Ferocious Vikings to sail with a 20-10 lead into the next period.

The Millionairiesses' attempt to reduce the lead to single digits proved vain in the second quarter, even though they frequently received chances for second shots. Dahl and Valguardson's shooting kept the Ferocious more than 15 points ahead for the entire second quarter. Rich Kid had to make most of its 11 second-quarter from the line. Rich Kid's Jessie Creer and Morgan Holbrook had a good quarter at the foul line. However, neither of them could do well against Ferocious Viking Bailey Nixon, no relation to the late Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon, on the boards. Nixon and Dahl's boarding gave Pleasant Grove fresh chances for second shots.

Creer, Fano, and Ella "Her Holiness" Pope worked together to match the Ferocious Vikings bucket for bucket in the third period. In fact, the Millionairiesses outscored Pleasant Grove 14-13 in the game. Neverrtheless, Rich Kid still couldn't reduce the lead to single digits. Valguard, Williams, and Dahl made sure of that through their shooting and rebounding.

In the early fourth period, Sara Hamson put the lead at 57-37. Pleasant Grove's scoring then shut down for a spell. This allowed Jazzy Espinosa, Alisa Crowther, Fano, and Sierra Neves to lead the Millionairesses on a 10-4 scoring run. Hamson frustrated it at times through blocking shots and pulling down a couple of boards, despite efforts from Fano to put Rich Kid back into the game.

It ended with Valguardson becoming the Ferocious Vikings' top scorer withj 20 points while Williams added another 11. Pope, Meldrum, and Fano led the Millionaires with 10 points each.

Ferocious Viking Coach Stephanie Nixon said, "We did a better job in getting rebounds and second shots. We still need to learn now to box out. I'm happy with a W tonight, but we still must learn how to play hard for four quarters."

Fremont Silverpups Howl Past Lehi Froggies 63-38 In Girls' Basketball Play Dec. 17
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

In a preseason girls' basketball game at Lehi Dec. 17, the Fremont Silverwolves, AKA the Silverpups, howled past the Lehi Pioneers, AKA the Froggies 63-38.

Lehi had great shooting in the second and third quarters. However, the Froggies came out ice cold as scorers in the first and fourth quarters. Those two bad quarters permitted the Silverspups to drain Lehi of any chance of coming back.

The game opened with Froggie Bryanna Raff put Lehi on the board first. Before the Froggies could improve upon their lead, Harley Hansen and Melanie Graves guided the Silverpups on a 16-0 scoring run. Lehi's cold spell ended with Aleya Zenter hitting a trey seconds before the first quarter break to cut the lead to 16-5.

Silverpups Parker Scholtec and Karstyn Peterson took control of the boards, denying the Froggies chances for second shots. In the meantime, Graves and Hansen guided the Silverpups in widening their lead as far as 31-11. Raff,  Zenter, and Sarah Schlappi, the niece of former Mountain View Teddy Bear Julie Schlappi, pumped in shots that put Lehi within 35-16.

In the third quarter, Froggies Katy Peck and Raff battled on rebounds and led Lehi in matching the Silverpups bucket for bucket. In fact, Lehi and Fremont each scored 14 points during Period 3. However, Lehi couldn't swim any closer to Fremont than 42-25.

In the final quarter, the Silverpups held the Froggies to eight points as Peterson guided Fremont in racking 14 points that period. Peterson also dominated the boards.

Raff led Lehi with 12 points while Zenter added another seven. Hansen led the Silverpups with 19 points while Graves contributed another nine.

Lehi Grapplers Post 64-15 Win Over West Jordan Pussycats Dec. 10
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

The Lehi Pioneers, AKA the Froggies, posted a 64-15 win over the West Jordan Jaguars in a non-league dual wrestling meet at Lehi Dec. 10.

A series of forfeits gave the Froggies a 16-0 lead. It swelled from there. Froggie Colby "The East Wind" Eastman pinned West Jordan's Bryan "The West Side Lion" Rogers in less than one minute.

A 126-pounder, Froggie MJ outmaneuvered his foe John "The Squeezer" Earl 10-0 to improve the lead at at 18-0. With Austin "The Iron Marshal" Fyffe pinning Pussycat Tucker "The Undertaker" Coffman in their 132 weight class match, West Jordan's Austin "The Mammoth" Woolley scored first on a takedown in his battle against Lehi's 145-pounder, Mateo "The Noose" Rangel. However, the Noose battled back to take an 8-2 lead. The Mammoth barreled his way back to tie the match at nine. He soon pulled ahead 11-9 on a takedown and went on to win 12-10.

Froggies Dallin "The Locomotive" Corrington, Moritz "The Blitz" Lang, Ty "The Sly" Tahbo, and Colt "B-52" Enman each scored a pin, erasing any chance for the Pussycats to win the dual meet.

Pussycat Brayden "The Bright Mind" Bingham pinned Froggie Weston "The Piston" Anderton to snap the string of Lehi wins during 195 weight class action. Carson "The Wheelbarrow" Terrell produced the final Lehi win of the night through his winning by default in his 220 weight class match against Hector "The Big Cat" Arroyo, who got injured during the contest. The dual meet ended with Pussycat Orrin "Prince Sledgehammer" Aylor pinning Clayton "Hard Blow" Grow.

Westlake Shockers Win Several Events at 4-Way Swim Meet Dec. 12
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

In a four-way swim meet that the Lehi Pioneers, AKA the Froggies, hosted at Lehi's Legacy Center, the Westlake Thunder, AKA the Shockers, won 10 events.

The first event that they won was the girls' 200-yard medley. The first-place team included Jessica Van Orden, Kenzie Ford, Kate Allred, and McKenna Fowler. Lehi took third in that event. Members' of the Froggies' third-place team included Mary Bagley, Kim Greenwood, Sarah Hansen, and Grace Strugill, who finished second in the girls' 200-yard freestyle relay.

Froggie Sammy Walsh won the boys' 200-yard freestyle.

Shockers won both the girls and boys' divisions of the 50-yard freestyle. Ford won the girls' end of it. Kim Petersen won the boys' side of the 50-yard freestyle and the boys' 100-yard freestyle.

In the boys' 100-yard butterfly, Froggies finished in the first two spots. Danny Orme won first and Al Viitanen second.

Shocker Keyera Gray won the girls' 500-yard freestyle, which teammate Kobee Scott finished second in. Shocker Brandt Schiess won the boys' 500-yard freestyle.

He, Jimmy Dock, Denton Anderson, and Kim Petersen worked together to win the boys' 200-yard and 400-yard freestyle relays.

Shocker Kate Allred won the girls' 100-yard breaststroke in a time of 1:18.84. Froggie Erin Byrne took second in it in a time of 1:21.20.

Lehi Froggies Lock Up Rockwell Lady Marshals 72-24 in Dec. 4 Girls' Hoop Game
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

In a Dec. 4 girls' basketball game at Lehi, the Lehi Pioneers, AKA the Froggies, locked up that Rockwell Lady Marshals. AKA the Star Girls, 72-24.

The game was a homecoming for former Froggie girls' hoop coach Troy Gifford, now the head mentor for Rockwell's girls' basketball program. Despite the beating that his players received on the court, Gifford said, "I thought my girls played pretty good, given they were up against a 5-A squad. We're a 2-A team. We wanted to bring back the memories that we had enjoyed at this school."

The Froggies held the Star Girls to two points in the first quarter. Brooklyn Heaton scored a layup to get the Froggies jumping out to a 20-2 lead in the period. Katy Peck and Bryanna Raff kept their Froggies hopping all over the Star Girls through hitting big shots as Lehi dominated the boards.

Kai Ah Quinn hit an inside shot early in the second quarter to warm up the Star Girl scoring marchine.  Paige Alder, Lynsie Gifford, and Cassie Young guided the Star Girls in racking up 10 points. However, Sarah Schlappi and Raff prodded the Froggies to outscore the Star Girls 20-10 in the quarter.

Under the leadership of Shelby Jenkins and Cassidy Johnson, the Froggies outscored the Star Girls 35-12 in the second half to put the game away.

Schlappi led Lehi with 16 points while Raff added another 12 as Jenkins and Peck each scored 11. Alder led Rockwell with seven points and Lynsie Gifford added another five.

Awesome AF Cavewomen Hand Bingham Pickers 1st Loss of Season Dec. 9
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

The Awesome American Fork Cavewomen handed the Bingham Miners, AKA the Pickers, their loss of the girls' basketball season by upsetting 57-54 at American Fork Dec. 9.

Led by Madison Lofthus and Hawk Eyes Cloward, the Pickers outscored the Awesome Cavewomen 29-23 in the first half. It presented the impression that the Awesome Cavewomen would go down as the next team flattened by the Bingham Steamroller.

The second half turned out to be a completely different story, thanks to Paige Farnsworth and Colleen Katoa's shooting as well as Brittany Palmer and Taylor Moeaki's stealing.

Still, the new half opened with a Lofthus shot improving the Picker lead at 31-23. Suddenly, Farnsworth hit a three-pointer, and Moaeki came up with a steal, which she tried to turn into a layup. Moaeki got fouled while missing it. She hit two free throws, and a second Farnsworth trey put American Fork with 32-31. Despite efforts by Lofthus and Cloward, the Pickers couldn't keep American Fork under control in the third period. A Farnsworth trey put American Fork ahead 38-36.
Two straight Lofthus buckets tied the game at 40. Shire Stephenson hit a tie-breaking trey, and a Farnsworth three-pointer sent American Fork with a 46-40 lead into the fourth quarter.
An amazing display of good luck in hitting a high percentage of free throws helped the Awesome Cavewomen to outscore Bingham 23-11.

In the final quarter, the Awesome Cavewomen became more excited about the prospect of pulling off an upset win. Two Palmer free throws gave American Fork a 55-48 lead in the final two minutes. Treys from Lofthus and Cloward slashed American Fork's lead down 55-54. With Cloward fouling out at 0:30, Katoa hit two foul shots that stretched the lead to 57-54. Bingham attempted to gamble on an attempt for a three-point shot. The Pickers' hopes of bringing on an overtime vanished through Katoa intercepting a pass.

Farnsworth led American Fork with 18 points while Katoa added another 12. Lofthus led Bingham with 19 points while Cloward contributed another 10.

Ferocious PG Vikings Open Mat Season With Shutout Win Over Timpanogos T-Pups
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

The Ferocious Pleasant Grove Vikings opened their wrestling season with an 83-0 win over the Timpanogos Timberwolves, AKA the T-Pups or Timberpups.

Ferocious Viking Derek "The Hook" Woodhouse set the tone by pinning T-Pup Jordan "The Otter" Otterson 10 seconds into their 106 weight class match started a string of 11 falls scored for the Ferocious Viking.

T-Pup Sir Andy Kirby attempted to break that streak in his 126 weight class match against Nick "The Slick" Lund. Sir Andy took The Slick to take a 2-0 lead. However, The Slick reversed Sir Andy and pinned him.

In a 132 weight class match, Timberpup C..J. "The Iceberg" Fox kept squirming around on the mat to keep Shae "The Death Ray" Conder from pinning him. Nevertheless, the Death Ray defeated the Iceberg on a technical fall.

In the 138 weight class match, Nelson "Full Strength" Nelson also won on a technical while taking Timberpup Holland "Double Dutch" Knudson.

The rest of the meet went down as a string of pins scored by Alex "High Strung" Young, Big Bad Ben Anderson, Josh "Big Shark" Whitehead, Koy "Squeeze Toy" Williamson, Brandon "Prince Claws" Closon, and Walker "Big Bad Wolfie" Wolfgramm.

Viking Coach Rockin' Brock Moore said, "We had great performances by all of our wrestlers."

Froggie Grapplers Roll From Behind to Defeat Westlake Shockers in Dual Mat Meet
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

At a Region Four dual wrestling meet at Lehi Dec. 13, the Lehi Pioneers, AKA the Froggies, rolled from behind to defeat the Westlake Thunder, AKA the Shockers, 33-31.

The Froggies did take an early lead over the Shockers. In the 103 weight class match,  Froggie Colby "The East Wind" Easmont found himself trailing 1-2 behind his opponent Kagan "The Handsome Pagan" Oliver. Scoring a reversal, The East Wind produced a three-point near fall, which he used to work his way to producing a 10-4 win over the Handsome Pagan.

After Lehi had picked up six free team point points on a forfeit, Froggie Fallen Angel Greigo scored a takedown and a three-point near fall to secure a 5-0 lead over his 113-pound opponent Izaya "The Wolverine' Valdez in the first period. The Wolverine reversed Fallen Angel in the second period. Although Fallen Angel did escape that period, his Shocker opponent took him down in the third round and pinned him.

Froggie Kade "The Sword Blade" Thompson pinned Jordan "Hay Baler" Taylor 24 seconds into their 120 weight class match. Though Shocker Matt "Ice Rink" narrowly escaped several times from getting pinned in his 126 weight class match, Mikey "Spikey" Jamiyandorj still defeated him on a technical fall to improve the Lehi lead at 20-6.

For a little while in his 132 weight class match, Shocker Adam "Super Bomb" Ochoa dominated Froggie Austin "The Sharp Knife" Fyffe. Super Bomb built up a 9-2 lead. The Sharp Knife scored two reversals to take control of the momentum. The Sharp Knight pulled ahead 10-9 in the third period. Super Bomb escape to the tie match at 10, but the Sharp Knight took him down and went on to defeat him 17-10.

When Shocker Colby "Saint Pete" shut out Bryce "Slick Ice" Collins in their 138 weight class match, the momentum slowly shifted towards Westlake's favor. Lehi still produced wins, though, in the meantime.

For example, in the 145 weight class match, Froggie Mateo "The Lasso" Rangle took a 7-4 lead over Micah "The Power Drill" Butler. The Lasso's lead grew as wide as 11-4. Aided by a pair of reversals that he scored, the Power Drill moved ahead 12-11. The Lasso scored a reversal of his own, and he struggled his way to a 17-12 win over The Power Drill.

The dual meet took a bad turn for Lehi when Froggie Dallin "The Locomotive" Corrington got disqualified for body slamming his 152-pound opponent Seth "Steel Fingers" Bingham. Westlake coaches told Shocker wrestlers and fans not to say anything angry about The Stallion's offense. It helped to shift the lead to Westlake's favor.

In the 160 weight class match, Mike "Groovy Man" McCann pinned Froggie Moritz "The Blitz" Lang in the third peirod, putting the Shockers ahead 24-23.

The duel meet turned bleaker for the Froggies as Shockers Jordan "Swift River" Taylor and Bryce "Nutcracker" Peterson defeated Froggies Ty "The Sly" Tahbo 10-2 and Colten "B-52t" Enman 6-0 respectively. Those two Shockers wins improved Westlake's lead at 31-23.

A 195-pounder, Froggie Shane "Prince Pain" Joe stopped the string of Westlake wins by overwhelming Hunter "The Crossbow" Bennion 12-3. Prince Pain's win came at the right time for the Froggies, for Lehi's 220-pounder Weston "The Anderton" pinned Brian "Mr. Beastly"  Beesley to give Lehi its 33-21 win.

Lehi Coach Dan "Mr. Nice" Rice said, "Joe and Anderton came through for us in their matches. They saved the night for us, making sure Corrington's disqualification didn't cost us anything."

Layton Stickers Hand Lehi Froggies 1st Home Loss in Girls' Basketball in Dec. 15
By Dean Von Memmott
Timp Sports Weekly Publisher

AKA the Stickers, the Layton Lancers, AKA the Stickers, galloped into Lehi,  Dec. 15 and defeated the Lehi Pioneers, AKA the Froggies, 56-35.

The game went down as Lehi's home loss. Up until Dec. 15, the Froggies had enjoyed a 3-0 record at home. Unwilling to go down in defeat like the North Sanpete Gobblers, Rockwell  Star Girls, and Grantsville Goat Ropers had done while playing at Lehi during the first week of December, the Stickers worked really hard in drying up the Froggies' efforts to stay unbeaten at home.

In the first quarter, Hayley "The Hound" Bassett pumped in eight points to help her Stickers outscore the Froggies 15-4. The game had unfolded with the Stickers charging ahead 6-1 as Bassett took control of the boards.

After Bassett improved the Sticker lead at 17-6 in the second quarter, Bryanna Raff popped in a short shot in hopes of getting the Froggies jumping back into the game.  Even though Shelby Jenkins pulled some good rebounds and Taylor Takahaski some steals for Lehi, the Stickers kept denying the Froggies chances for second shots as Clara "Owl" Wood, Kelsey Foster, and Livia Borges prevented Lehi players from getting on the boards. Unable to hit most of their shots from the floor, the Froggies had to rely on trips to the foul line to produce points in the second period. As a result, Layton scored the Froggies 13-9 in the second quarter.

In outscoring the Froggies 20-5 in the third quarter, Layton put the game away that period through the shooting of Wood, Bassett, and Sunnie Martinez. Quarter 3 ended with Wood hitting a three-pointer that improved the lead at 48-18.

The Froggies could have easily thrown up their webbed hands and let the Stickers gallop farther ahead in the final quarter. However, after a second straight Wood trey had placed the lead at 51-18, Katy Peck sank a layup to spark a Froggie comeback. During it, Cassidy Johnson. Raff, and Brooklyn Heaton hit several shots and pulled down several boards to help Lehi outscore the Stickers 17-8. The big rally came too late to save Lehi from getting dried up by Layton.

Peck led the Froggies with nine points while Raff, Jenkins, and Heaton each added another seven. Bassett and Wood each posted 18 points to become Layton's highest scorers while Martinez added another 10.

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